Page 91 - NWF November Updates
P. 91

Every reasonable effort will be made to return you to your previous position or a comparable

        position. You will be treated as though you were continuously employed for purposes of
        determining benefits based on length of service, such as the rate of leave accruals and job
        seniority rights.


        The National Wildlife Federation Severance Plan (Plan) is designed specifically for the
        employees of the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) or related organizations to assist

        involuntarily terminated employees. The Plan is effective April 1, 1994.  This Summary Plan
        Description constitutes the complete Plan Document.

        If you have any questions, contact the Plan Administrator (Sr. Director of Total Rewards).  The
        Plan Administrator is responsible for administering the Plan and has sole discretionary authority
        to interpret and apply the Plan and resolve any factual questions arising under the Plan.


        All regular employees of NWF with at least six months of service working at least twenty (20)
        hours per week who are terminated from their positions because their jobs have been
        eliminated or because of a reduction in force are eligible for benefits under the Plan.  Regular
        employees who are terminated for cause as defined below are eligible for reduced benefits
        under the Plan.  Regular employees who are terminated for gross misconduct as defined below

        are not eligible for any benefits under the Plan. Employees who are eligible for retirement or
        early retirement at the time of their termination because of job elimination, reduction in force,
        or for cause will be eligible for severance benefits provided that their retirement or early
        retirement benefits have not been enhanced as a part of the termination.

        In exchange for the payment of severance benefits by NWF, employees are required to sign a
        waiver and release of any and all legal claims they may have against NWF under federal, state,
        or local law.

        NOTE:  NWF reserves the right to terminate any employee at any time for any reason.  In

        establishing categories of employees who are eligible or not eligible for severance benefits,
        NWF does not intend to state or imply that these categories represent all possible grounds for
        termination nor does NWF intend to limit to any extent its discretion in making decisions to
        terminate employees.


        Termination for cause includes but is not limited to dismissal for poor work performance;
        excessive absenteeism; violations of any NWF rules, policies, or procedures; creation of health
        or safety hazards to oneself or other employees; or any other reasons that, in the sole
        discretion of NWF management, make the continued employment of an individual
        detrimental to the interests, goals, and/or purposes of NWF.
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