Page 88 - NWF November Updates
P. 88

Non-Contributory Benefits
        If an employee exhausts all applicable "paid leave benefits" and enters into an unpaid leave
        status, eligibility for all non-contributory employee benefits ceases and is not renewed until the
        employee returns to active employment.  Non-Contributory benefits are those which are
        provided WITHOUT CHARGE TO THE EMPLOYEE through the NWF Employees Flexible Benefits
        Program (Life and Disability insurance for example).

        Employment Date

        Employees who return to work from an approved Leave of Absence within the designated time
        frame will continue to use their date of employment which was in effect just prior to the Leave
        of Absence. Individuals who do not return to work within the designated time frame will only
        be eligible for employment as a new employee, with no credit given for prior service.

        Reduction in Force

        An employee's entitlement to return to work as outlined in this policy will not be honored in
        the event a reduction-in-force abolishes the position into which the employee would normally
        be expected to return. In such cases the affected employee will be given the same treatment as
        an active employee under the Reduction-In-Force Policy.

        Approval Process
        Employees requesting a Leave of Absence should submit a written request to their supervisor

        at least thirty (30) days prior to the anticipated beginning of their absence, unless
        circumstances prevent giving advance notice. The request should include the reason for the
        absence as well as the expected duration. Requests related to medical or maternity/paternity
        situations should likewise be discussed with the appropriate Human Resources staff member to
        obtain the necessary forms for medical documentation.

        Supervisors should consult with the Human Resources Department immediately after receiving
        such a request.  Requests for documented medical and maternity/paternity absences are
        automatically approved within the provisions of this policy.  Other leave for educational and

        personal reasons is subject to appropriate supervisory approval including approval by the
        department Vice President.  Consideration will be given to the effects on divisional workload
        and equity to other employees.

        Time Off to Vote

        NWF encourages you to fulfill your civic responsibilities by voting in elections.  Generally, you
        are able to find time to vote either before or after your regular work schedule.  If you are

        unable to vote in an election during non-working hours, NWF may grant up to two hours of
        paid time off to vote.

        You should request time off to vote from your supervisor at least two working days prior to
        the Election Day.
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