Page 85 - NWF November Updates
P. 85

Leave of Absence

        The National Wildlife Federation recognizes that occasionally it may be necessary for
        employees to be absent from work for extended periods of time as a result of an illness,
        accident, educational pursuit, personal matters, professional development or periods of

        temporary layoff.  The Leave of Absence (LOA) Policy is designed to set forth procedures
        regarding such absences and the parameters of the employee's return to work.

        All active regular employees who work at least twenty (20) hours per week and have been so
        employed for a minimum of six (6) months are eligible for consideration under the LOA Policy.
        This eligibility stipulation does not apply to periods of temporary layoff.

        NWF provides leaves of absence without pay to eligible employees who wish to take time off
        from work duties to fulfill personal obligations.  As soon as eligible employees become aware
        of the need for a personal leave of absence, they should acquaint themselves with the leave of
        absence policy and immediately discuss their request with their supervisor and the Sr. Director
        of Total Rewards in the Human Resources Department.

        You must exhaust all vacation leave accruals before taking an unpaid leave of absence.
        Categories of Leave:

        Educational - An employee may request a Leave of Absence of up to one (1) year for
        educational purposes to improve their effectiveness on the job and to increase the value of
        their employment with NWF. Such an absence will be granted with the understanding that the
        employee may only return on a position available basis, with no guarantee of a position when


        Professional Development - An employee may request a Leave of Absence of up to six (6)
        months for professional development purposes as detailed in the NWF Professional
        Development Policy.  If a professional development is approved, such an absence will be

        granted with the understanding that the employee may return to their original position
        provided they return on the pre-scheduled return to work date.

        Personal - An employee may request a Leave of Absence of up to one (1) year for compelling
        personal reasons.  Such an absence is generally discouraged, and will be granted with the
        understanding that the employee may only return on a position available basis, with no
        guarantee of a position when returning.

        Prolonged Unpaid Absence - When an employee is absent throughout one full pay period,
        and has exhausted all appropriate leave accruals prior to the pay period, the employee will be
        placed on a Leave Without Pay - Leave of Absence, "Personal" status effective the beginning
        of that pay period.
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