Page 98 - NWF November Updates
P. 98

Non-exempt employees should report to their work area no more than seven minutes prior to
        their scheduled starting time nor stay in their work area more than seven minutes after their
        scheduled stop time without express, prior authorization from their supervisor.

        If corrections or modifications are made to the time record, both the employee and the
        supervisor must verify the accuracy of the changes.

        Some employees must keep track of their time for grant reporting, lobbying reporting, attorney
        fee recoveries, or other reasons.  This includes exempt employees.  All NWF employees are
        responsible for the accurate and fair recording and reporting of their time worked or leave
        taken for each pay period.  Supervisors are responsible for reviewing, approving and
        addressing any issues with their direct reports, Human Resources, Benefits or Payroll regarding

        time entry.

        Employee Self Service System

        All employees are required to use the self-service system  each pay period to allocate their time

        to the appropriate project(s) and to record any leave taken.  Each employee is assigned a user
        identification and password to electronically enter hours worked and leave used each pay
        period.  Employee entries are reviewed and approved electronically by the appropriate
        supervisor prior to noon on the day scheduled for submission to payroll.

        Attendance and Punctuality

        To maintain a safe and productive work environment, NWF expects you to be reliable and
        punctual in reporting for scheduled work.  Absenteeism and tardiness place a burden on
        other employees and on NWF.  In the rare instances when you cannot avoid being late to
        work or are unable to work as scheduled, you should notify your supervisor, or if the
        supervisor is not available, the Human Resources Department at 703-438-6494 as soon as

        possible in advance of the anticipated tardiness or absence. Poor attendance and excessive
        tardiness are disruptive.  Either may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including
        termination of your employment.

        In the event you have missed three consecutive days of work with no word to your supervisor,
        NWF will consider you to have abandoned your job and NWF may terminate your

        employment.  If you have missed three days of work, your supervisor may require you to
        present a doctor's note substantiating your claim that you were unable to work.  Upon
        request, a second doctor's note shall be presented to your supervisor confirming the date
        that you have been cleared by your doctor to return to work.


        When operating requirements or other needs cannot be met during regular working hours
        you may be scheduled to work overtime hours.  When possible, advance notification of these
        mandatory assignments will be provided.
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