Page 100 - NWF November Updates
P. 100

Supervisors shall provide at least four hours’ notice of the need for overtime work, except in
        emergency situations.  Supervisors shall ensure equitable distribution of requests to work
        overtime among all employees who usually perform the work and who meet basic

        productivity and proficiency standards.

        Supervisors are responsible for approving all overtime work.  Supervisors must prevent
        employees from working unauthorized overtime; this includes overtime in the form of
        clocking in early or clocking out late, etc.  An employee who consistently works unauthorized

        overtime shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.te

        All employees are required to comply with requests to work overtime. An employee who
        refuses requests to work overtime may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including


        You are paid biweekly on every other Friday.  Each paycheck will include your earnings for all

        work performed through the end of the previous payroll period and any applicable leave
        adjustments.  Paychecks are mailed to those employees who have not made arrangement for
        direct deposit of their paycheck to their personal bank account.

        You are encouraged to take advantage of direct deposit options provided by many financial

        institutions.  With direct deposit, your paycheck is automatically deposited into the account
        you designate and the funds are immediately accessible on the applicable NWF pay day,
        regardless of whether you are present at work that day.  To make arrangements for direct
        deposit consult the Human Resources Department.  If you use direct deposit you can view an
        itemized statement of wages (salary advice in lieu of your paycheck through the self-service


        Payroll Corrections

        NWF takes all reasonable steps to ensure that you receive the correct amount of pay in each
        paycheck and that you are paid promptly on the scheduled payday.

        In the unlikely event that there is an error in the amount of pay or in the amount of any leave
        taken, you should identify the discrepancy and promptly bring this to the attention of your
        Supervisor or the Human Resources Department at 703-438-6494 so that corrections can be
        made as quickly as possible.  You may request a corrected paycheck for errors in excess of

        fifty dollars, otherwise, adjustments will be reflected in the next pay period.  NWF is not
        responsible for adjustments to leave records after 90 calendar days.
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