Page 103 - NWF November Updates
P. 103


        Teleworking is a work arrangement in which some or all of the work is performed at an off-
        site work site such as the home or in office space near home. When properly administered,
        teleworking may serve to improve staff recruitment and retention, reduce absenteeism, and

        provide employees with greater flexibility in meeting their job and family needs. Of equal
        importance, teleworking supports NWF's mission by reducing the number of vehicle miles
        traveled providing direct air quality, transportation and energy conversation benefits.

        Vice Presidents or their designees have the authority to establish teleworking
        arrangements, and are encouraged to give serious consideration to all reasonable requests.
        However, arrangements should be approved only when it is in the best interest of NWF to
        do so.

        These steps should be followed:

            1. Either the employee or the department may initiate the request.
            2. The employee should complete the “Telework/Work at Home Employee Agreement”
               before requesting an appointment with the supervisor to discuss the proposal.
            3. Once all required signatures have been obtained, the employee should be given a copy
               of the document, a copy should be retained by the supervisor, and the original should

               be forwarded to the Human Resources Department (HR).  Requests which have been
               declined by the Vice President should also be forwarded to HR with an explanation as
               to why the request was declined.
            4. As questions arise, they should be directed to the appropriate resources listed below.

        Employee Services and Building Facilities

        Visitors in the Workplace

        To provide for the safety and security of employees and the facilities at NWF, only authorized
        visitors are allowed in the workplace.  Restricting unauthorized visitors helps maintain safety

        standards, protects against theft, ensures security of equipment, protects confidential
        information, safeguards employee welfare, and avoids potential distractions and disturbances.
        All visitors must enter NWF at a reception area if the office has one.  Visitors to the

        Headquarters location must check-in with the main receptionist.  Authorized visitors will
        receive directions or be escorted to their destination. You are responsible for the conduct and
        safety of your visitors.
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