Page 42 - NWF November Updates
P. 42

OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT: Employees shall not engage in any employment or activity outside

          NWF which will materially encroach upon the time or attention that should be devoted to
          their duties of NWF or adversely affect the quality of their work on behalf of NWF. Any other

          employment shall not compete with NWF's activities, involve any significant use of NWF's
          equipment, supplies or facilities, infer NWF's sponsorship or support of the outside
          employment of activity; or adversely affect the public image of NWF.

        POLITICAL ACTIVITIES: Employees are encouraged to take an active interest and to

        participate in the political and governmental process. However, except for registered
        lobbyists and other employees authorized to act on behalf of NWF, employees participating
        do so as individuals and not as representatives of NWF. To avoid any inference of support or
        sponsorship by NWF, an employee must never represent that his or her political donation,
        endorsement or other political activity was made or engaged in with the approval, or on the
        behalf, of NWF. Likewise, employees must not engage in political activities in the workplace.

         THE MAKING OF STATEMENTS: No employee shall use NWF stationery or any title of NWF or
          refer to NWF or identify him or herself as an employee thereof in connection with any matter
          as to which he or she is not authorized as a representative of NWF and to express an opinion
          on its behalf.

         PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS:   Some employees must perform their work in accordance with

          standards prescribed by an external authority. Just as NWF expects and requires its employees
          to act at all times in accordance with applicable laws, it also expects its employees to act in
          accordance  with  the  requirements  of  their  profession.  Thus,  doing  so  should  not  create  a
          conflict of interest. Nevertheless, if adherence to applicable professional standards would or
           might  reasonably  be  thought  to  pose  a  problem  for  NWF,  the  employee  shall  disclose

           this matter.

         KNOWLEDGE OF POLICY: Any employee who is aware of a potential conflict of interest should
          advise the employee who may have the conflict of interest of the possibility, and recommend
          that he or she disclose the potential conflict in accordance with this policy. If an employee
          who believes another employee may have a conflict of interest and is uncomfortable raising
          this question with the other employee, or the employee who may have the conflict fails to

          disclose that as required by this policy, he or she should notify the person who the employee
          with the potential conflict should have advised.
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