Page 47 - NWF November Updates
P. 47

Prior to a formal interview for the position, the employee must notify their supervisor about

        their application for consideration of a different NWF job.  HR will schedule interviews as
        appropriate.  For more information on applying for a vacant position, contact the Human
        Resources Department.

        Employees who have been displaced in their position due to non-performance reasons may
        submit an application for consideration for another in-house vacancy.  There is no guarantee

        that an offer will be made and HR will help coordinate the recruitment process.  Employees
        need to wait at least six months from the time of hire or promotion before applying for
        another position.  This will provide the individual with an opportunity to determine the degree
        of fit with their job and provide some consistency within their department.  Employees who
        are on probation are not eligible to apply for a new position. Their performance needs to
        improve before they may transfer to another department.

        Employees are also encouraged to refer qualified candidates through NWF's Referral Program

        as part of their contribution to the success of NWF.  Open positions can be found here:

        Employee Image Release

        Employees of the National Wildlife Federation agree that photographs or videos taken of
        them by NWF, its agents, or other third parties and any photographs or videos that
        employees donate to NWF (the *Images* may be used by NWF for purposes that support

        NWF's mission.  Employees give NWF, including its affiliated organizations, the right to use,
        publish, display, copy, modify, sublicense and distribute such images at any time, in any
        manner or medium now existing or later discovered, including without limitation use in print,
        internet, television, and mailed promotions.  NWF shall not publish the employees’ name or
        address in connection with an image of them without their consent.  However, NWF may
        publish the images with quotations provided or submitted by the employee.  Employees
        agree that NWF does not need their consent or approval of finished products, copy, or other

        matter used in connection with the images, or the use to which the images might be applied.
        Employees agree that no payment will be due to them for the use of the Images taken of or
        donated by the employee.  Employees further understand that NWF may not be able to return
        the original Images that they may donate.  Employees have the right and ability to enter into
        this Agreement, and to grant the rights and furnish all Images donated by them pursuant to

        this Agreement.
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