Page 50 - NWF November Updates
P. 50

Step One: Planning. Actions at this step include identifying key results/goals, measurements,
          and timetable as well as reviewing the Job Description.

          Step Two: Managing. The focus of this step is supervising employees.  Ongoing activities
          include coaching, reinforcing, and discussing employee progress toward achieving
          performance expectations.

          Step Three: Appraising.  In this step, the manager conducts interim performance preview and

          other check-in discussions to informally review the employee's progress followed by an
           annual formal evaluation.

         The performance management program requires managers to develop key results/goals for
         each employee with the active participation of that employee, coach and monitor the
         employee's job performance, conduct informal interim reviews, and conduct a fair, unbiased,
         and equitable performance appraisal annually for each employee.

         Human Resources is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the performance management
         program to ensure it operates in full compliance with this policy. Other responsibilities include
         training supervisory personnel, administering and interpreting the policy; and developing
         program enhancements.

         Employees are responsible for actively participating in the performance evaluation process and

         working with their supervisor to develop key results/goals.

         Any proposed promotion, demotion, merit-based salary increase, or performance-based
         corrective action should be consistent with the most recent documentation of the employee's
         performance.  In cases in which the recommended personnel action appears inconsistent with
         an employee's current overall rating, a written explanation should accompany the

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