Page 54 - NWF November Updates
P. 54

Compensation Philosophy

          NWF aspires to recognize, reward, and motivate staff for exceptional performance and
          successful completion of challenging tasks which exceed their primary job duties.  The
          Employee Recognition Program has been designed to provide employees and managers a

          variety of to acknowledge outstanding staff contributions.  With this program we want to
          help foster an environment of shared success and commitment and recognize that each
          individual can make a difference.  All employees are eligible. Guiding vision:  The National
          Wildlife Federation endeavors to attract and retain excellent staff, be competitive in the
          market, and be fair and equitable.  We intend to reward performance including a focus on
          those who best exemplify and live the National Wildlife Federation’s values of collaboration,
          mindfulness, empowerment, inclusivity and mission-focus.  We want to recognize and

          celebrate our strong benefits package.  We strive to be transparent and communicate the
          right information to staff with the right frequency.

          As an employer, the National Wildlife Federation believes that it is in the best interest of both
          the organization and its employees to fairly compensate our workforce for the value of the
          work provided and to be transparent about the compensation process.  We believe

          compensation is a tool designed to support our mission, strategies, and values, as well as our
          operational and financial success and we recognize that we pursue our goals and strategies in
          many different ways. NWF will achieve fair compensation with a performance-based pay
          increase.  NWF may also consider an annual one-time pay increase (bonus) when financial
          circumstances allow The CEO and Chief Financial Officer will prioritize budgeting funds for
          the compensation program during each year’s budget process.

          In conjunction with the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief People Officer, the President and
          CEO will determine the amount of funds available for performance-based increases.

          NWF’s compensation administration policy is designed to outline a consistent process for the
          application of its compensation program and to ensure compliance with NWF policies, Fair

          Labor Standards Act, and other applicable laws.


            • NWF will provide funds to the Vice President of each department during each
                performance management cycle, based on NWF’s fiscal year, to reward staff who are
                meeting their goals and are living the organization’s values.  Fund distribution decisions

                will be made by the Vice Presidents and their management teams* based on the
                employees’ performance reviews.
            • NWF’s Human Resources Department, in conjunction with external support, will conduct
                a salary comparison for every position in the organization every 3-5 years to ensure that
                we are competitive with the market.
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