Page 51 - NWF November Updates
P. 51

Performance management is a major responsibility of all supervisors.  Supervisors who fail to

        comply with this policy are subject to corrective action.

        At the beginning of the work cycle, the supervisor and employee must meet to determine the
        employee's key results/goals.  Supervisors should use the Performance Appraisal Form to
        record this information.  Each employee must have a goal sheet established within 90 days of

        starting in the position or when job duties change significantly.  This goal sheet work outlines
        the key results/goals consistent with the employee's job description.  Performance
        expectations are the objective measures or criteria used to evaluate job performance.  The
        goal sheet must be reviewed or updated at least annually.

        Managing involves coaching and reinforcing employee progress toward achieving
        performance expectations.  Supervisors should provide employees with ongoing feedback

        about their job performance.  Supervisors must should also conduct informal interim reviews.
        Performance appraisals are timed with the fiscal year (September) and should be completed
        at this time.  In preparation for the appraisal, the supervisor may request other sources of
        assessment (ie employee and/or colleague input).  After reviewing the employee self-
        appraisal and possible assessments, and completing the Performance Appraisal Form, the

        supervisor must schedule an appraisal meeting.  At the appraisal meeting, the supervisor
        should identify and discuss key results/goals, identify and discuss performance that needs
        improvement, review the extent to which the employee was successful or unsuccessful in
        meeting goals and accountabilities set out in the employee's work plan, discuss professional
        development opportunities, develop key results/goals for the following year, review the NWF

        The Performance Appraisal Form must be dated and signed by the employee and his or her
        supervisor.  No changes can be made or comments added to the Performance Appraisal Form
        without the employee's knowledge.  If additional information must be added after the original
        work plan is written, it must be initialed and dated by the employee and supervisor.  An
        employee may choose to include additional comments upon receipt of his/her review.  These
        comments must be in writing and within 15 working days of receipt of the evaluation. The

        completed and signed Performance Appraisal Form must be forwarded to the Human
        Resources Department.  The Performance Appraisal Form, whether an original or a copy and
        wherever located, is a confidential personnel file document with restricted access.  Supervisors
        considering an employee for transfer or promotion are permitted access to the current or past
        performance appraisal documents of that employee and should consult with Human

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