Page 52 - NWF November Updates
P. 52

Tuition Reimbursement

         The National Wildlife Federation encourages employees to further their education and
         increase their work skills.  To assist in this objective, we have developed a Tuition
         Reimbursement Policy to provide financial assistance to employees who take courses to
         further their present job skills or to increase their opportunities for promotion along a logical
         career path which will likewise be of benefit to NWF.  This policy applies specifically to tuition

         reimbursement and does not apply to routine employee training typically done through

         All active regular employees who work at least twenty (20) hours per week are eligible for
         consideration under the Tuition Reimbursement Policy.  Part time employees working less
         than twenty (20) hours per week, temporary employees, and interns are not eligible for tuition

         Reimbursement will be considered for the following courses which are directly related to NWF
         jobs :

           • Programs leading to undergraduate degrees of appropriately accredited junior colleges,

              colleges, or universities.
           • Formal instructional programs that lead to professional certification, registration,
              accreditation, or the ability to obtain a license.
           • Courses leading to high school diploma of equivalent (G.E.D.)
           • Other educational programs, including community sponsored adult education courses,
              each on its own merits and on an individual basis.
           • Any graduate level course of a kind normally taken by an individual pursuing a program

              leading to a law, business, medical, or other advanced academic or professional degree
              may be reimbursed tax-exempt.

         The courses must be attended and completed while the individual is an active and eligible
         NWF employee.

         According to the tax laws, certain classes are not eligible for tuition reimbursement programs.
         These include any course involving sports, games or hobbies.

         A "Tuition Reimbursement Request" form must be completed and approved before beginning
         any program or course.  Employees should discuss the request with their supervisor and
         obtain approval from their division director and vice president.  Completed forms and
         necessary documentation must then be forwarded to the Human Resources Department who

         will monitor the program for consistency throughout the organization and will grant final
         approval.  NWF is not obligated to pay any expenses until all approvals are received.
         Programs are to be taken during non-work hours.  If attendance at any program or class will
         conflict with regularly scheduled work hours or required overtime hours, specific approval
         must be received from the division director.
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