Page 59 - NWF November Updates
P. 59

Employment Termination

       Employment with NWF is voluntary.  You are free to resign at any time, with or without cause.

       Similarly, NWF may terminate your employment relationship at any time, with or without
       notice or cause.  Termination of employment is an inevitable part of personnel activity within
       any organization, and many of the reasons for termination are routine.

       You may voluntarily resign from employment with NWF.  Although advance notice is not
       required, NWF requests that you give at least two weeks' written notice of resignation.  You
       may retire from employment with NWF if you meet age, length of service, and any other
       criteria for retirement from the organization.

       NWF may terminate employees at any time with or without cause and with or without notice.

       The Human Resources Department will generally schedule exit interviews at the time of
       employment termination.

       The exit interview will afford an opportunity to discuss such issues as employee benefits,

       conversion privileges, repayment of outstanding debts to NWF, or return of NWF-owned
       property.  Suggestions, complaints, and questions can also be addressed during the Exit
       Interview process.

       You are responsible for NWF property which includes all property, materials, files, keys,
       passwords or any other written or electronic information issued to you or in your possession or

       control.  All NWF property must be returned on or before your last day of work. NWF may also
       take all action deemed appropriate to recover or protect its property.

       Employee Benefits

       It is the organization’s objective to continuously strive to rank among the leaders in the
       nonprofit sector in providing employee benefits.  The National Wildlife Federation provides
       comprehensive benefits coverage to all regular, active employees whose set weekly schedule is

       at least twenty (20) hours per week.  The benefits described here are documented fully in legal
       plan documents and insurance contracts.  If there is a difference between this section and the
       plan documents or contracts, the documents and contracts will govern.

       Benefits eligibility is dependent upon a variety of factors, including employee classification
       Resources Department can identify the programs for which you are eligible. Specific details of
       the following benefit programs can be found in the NWF Employee Benefits Handbook which is
       issued to eligible employees during orientation and can be found here.
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