Page 44 - NWF November Updates
P. 44

If your supervisor determines that your outside work interferes with performance or the
         ability to meet the requirements of NWF as they are modified from time to time, you may be
         asked to terminate the outside employment if you wish to remain with NWF.

         If the outside employment might constitute a conflict of interest, your supervisor shall advise
         your Departmental Vice President of the outside employment. The Vice President shall review
         the situation and may decide to waive the conflict or you may be asked to terminate the
         outside employment if you wish to remain with NWF.
         You may not receive any income or material gain from individuals outside NWF for materials
         produced or services rendered while performing your job at the NWF. Under the copyright

         law, any written work or other tangible product you produce during the course of your
         employment for NWF belongs to NWF and not to you.
         Except as outlined below, honoraria and stipends that are offered to you for performing
         duties or services which are set forth in your job description belong to NWF and should not
         be personally accepted by you.  If you perform a service for a third party at NWF's request

         and an honorarium or other payment is offered to you, the payment should be directed
         instead to NWF.

         If you are presented with the opportunity to be offered an honoraria or stipend, you must
         disclose the service and amount of the award to your supervisor in advance by completing the
         "Notice of Intent to Accept Outside Employment or Honorarium." Your supervisor will then
         consult with your department's vice president to make a recommendation to the Human

         Resources department on your request.

         In considering your application, the following issues should be reviewed:

           • Overall work performance;
           • Amount of interference with the performance of your job and arrangements which need
               to be made for others to complete your work in your absence;
           • Degree of conflict of interest and extent to which this service is a part of your regular
           • Impact of requested work on your NWF job;

           • Level to which you are performing this service based on your individual knowledge and
               abilities or on behalf of NWF and the work you complete;
           • Point to which you are representing yourself as an NWF employee or as an individual;
           • Frequency of accepting previous honorariums or stipends;
           • Time required to complete request and paid leave available;

           Amount of honorarium or stipend.

         NWF recognizes the professional value gained for individuals to occasionally perform work or
         services of this nature. Honorariums and stipends are incentives for career development and

         individual growth. Please consult the Conflict of Interest Policy for more information.
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