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       Next month on Tuesday 10  June Lucy Cocke is coming to tell us
       all about the Food Bank and how it operates and is now managing

       in our Small Hall.

       It will be interesting to hear of the need locally and how they meet it
       so well.

       We will follow her talk as usual with Tea and Cake - all for £1.

                                Everyone welcome

                             SHOEBOXES - Items for JUNE

                     Sewing items - Small tools - Packs of cards
                             Tape measures - Belts - Braces
                                Wind-up-torch - Pen knife
                                      Magnifying glass

             However, donations of other items are welcome
                                    at anytime.
        Ann Coleman is making a separate collection of sewing
                   items for the sewing kits she is making.

                                   OTHER COLLECTIONS

                                       Milk Bottle Tops
                       which are recycled and used to make plastic bricks
                         for building homes in poverty stricken countries

                                            Bra Bank
       Thank you to all those who have donated bras. Emily took an entire
        boot full of bags of bras to Bare        Necessities in Wareham and
        they were very surprised but happy to take them in! Please contin-
                                    ue to donate
                     Besom in Purbeck ~ contact Davina
                        Unwanted furniture is collected and
        redistributed to those in desperate need white goods and bedding
                                   also accepted
                  See Page 8 for details of the UKRAINE BOX
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