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Church Family Diary ~ JUNE

        Sunday 2nd  10.30 am  Joint Service with Methodists and
                                  Salvation Army at URC
                                  Rev Dave Harkison
        Sunday 2nd  7 pm          Evening Service led by Lex McKee

        Monday 3rd  2.45 pm  Come and Sing
        Friday 7th     9.30 am  ‘Coffee@112’
        Friday 7th     2 pm       ‘Open the Book’

        Sunday 9th   10.30 am  Morning Worship, Worship Planning
                                  Group, led by Emily. Holy Communion
        Tuesday 11th 2 pm         C U Tuesday
        Friday 14th    9.30 am  ‘Coffee@112’
        Friday 14th    2 pm       ‘Open the Book’

        Sunday 16th   10.30 am  Morning Worship,
                                  led by Major David Scott
        Monday 17th  2.45 pm  Come and Sing

        Friday 21st    9.30 am  ‘Coffee@112’
        Friday 21st    2 pm       ‘Open the Book’

        Sunday 23rd   10.30 am  Morning Worship, led by
                                  Lex McKee, Mission Enabler
        Friday 28th    9.30 am  ‘Coffee@112’
        Friday 28th    2 pm       ‘Open the Book’
        Saturday 29th 4.30 pm  Band - Young Musicians Concert

        Sunday 30th   10.30 am  Joint service with Wareham at
                                  Skinner Street URC

        The Food Bank is open each Monday, Wednesday and Friday
                               from 12 noon to 2 pm
                  Ukuleles Rehearse each Saturday at 9.30 am
           Beavers and Scouts meet each Monday during term time

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