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Margaret Leivesley . . .

                                                . . is making progress

        It was on 10th March that Margaret was rushed into hospital and
           eventually arrived at Southampton University Hospital after
                          suffering a brain haemorrhage.
        This was closely followed by a stroke. Thankfully, and  because of
        the skill of the medical team, the worst predications were avoided.
        If Margaret continues to improve as expected she should be able
                     to leave hospital in about a month’s time.

             Thank you to Kersten Kirkland for the photo and update.

       Pastoral Concerns

       A number of our friends and their families are unwell at
       present. Please pray for those who are undergoing surgery,
       specialist treatments, waiting for important appointments or
       are uncertain of what the future holds for them.

       Lord we ask you to support them and their loved ones and
       give skill and strength to all those who work in the caring

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