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                          God's Beauty

       Dear Friends,

       I expect some of you know theses lines:

                            What is this life if, full of care,
                       We have no time to stand and stare ?

       They are by W. H .Davies, the traveller / poet, and extol the
       beauties of the created world;  if only we would stop and look
       sometimes. Another poet, the Jesuit priest Gerard Manley Hopkins
       delighted in the uniqueness and pattern of created things :

                         Glory be to God for dappled things
                                    (Pied Beauty)

       You don't have to be a poet to appreciate God's wonderful creation.
       Here in Dorset we have so much natural beauty, but nature pushes
       through even in a big city. Since covid especially, many people
       have a renewed love of trees, plants, birds and the whole wealth of
       creation. We know now how necessary nature is for our mental and
       physical health.

       We can love nature, but we must also takes steps to preserve it,
       before global warming takes the very thing which keeps us alive.

       Every blessing


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