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                    Our boxed Cream Teas were well received
                             by all and raised £142.20.

        Thank you to Emily for her sterling efforts baking prior to delivery.

       A date for your diary,  Saturday June 29  when Gary, who leads
       the young Band Musicians in their regular practice in the Worship
       Area, is putting on a concert for the benefit of the Church.

       We are very grateful for this and hope you will come along and
       show your support. Anticipated time 4.30 pm.

       The Fun Raisers (Ann Y. Ruth, Lyn, Martin & Elizabeth)

       C U Tuesday
       What a fun afternoon we had trying to cope with Chair Yoga for
       Seniors! Johanna put us through our paces in such a relaxed style.
        I thought some had fallen asleep at times! Let me know if you
       would be interested in pursuing this as a possible regular activity
       and, if numbers sufficient, Johanna would run a class.
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