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Swanage Carnival Procession

       Churches Together in Swanage and District are plan-

       ning to take part in the Carnival Procession on Sunday
       afternoon 28  July. If you would like to be part of the
       planning group, not necessarily being part of the parade, please
       sign the form on the noticeboard or talk to Anne Squires for more
       information. Anyone who would like to take part or who has family
       willing to join us, please speak to Anne.

       Carnival Praise
                    We are excited that we are more involved with the
                    Carnival this year and that the Carnival Praise Service
                    will be held in the Marquee on Sandpit Field, so we
                    don’t have to worry about the weather! There will also
                    be a gazebo displaying activities supported by
                    Churches Together on Sandpit field throughout the
       week. We will be asking for volunteers to welcome people to the
       display nearer the time. More details next month

       Saturday 29th June, 10.30 -11 am Just Imagine…
       Every one of the 630 miles of the South West coast path hosting a chain of
       believers united in prayer and praise. Join Christians of all traditions on
       Saturday 29th June 2024 as we stand together asking God for His Kingdom
       to come in the region.
       You can join with a group of friends or quietly on your own, on a bench on the
       seafront or on a clifftop. Suggestions for prayer are available, but you may
       prefer to use your own words. God hears silent prayer as well as the most

       Dear friends
       The first paragraph above comes from the SouthWest Awake website, which
       people may find too intimidating, but the second paragraph is my idea of a
       way we could take part and still feel comfortable. I would willingly prepare
       some prayers for us to use in a way which suits you.

       For instance those who want to pray together could meet at Durlston and
       those wanting to pray alone could join us later for a picnic lunch (weather
       permitting) Please let me know if you would be interested as I would need to
       register with South West Awake, or you can find out more and register
       personally on

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