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Food Bank

        The Food bank store has
         been well stocked these
          last couple of months,
           with thanks to all the
             generous Harvest
        donations and of course,
           the ongoing regular
              donations too.

       This Christmas will be more difficult this year due to the cost of
       living crisis.

       We give our clients a bag of Christmas food and will be repeating
       last year’s successful experiment providing Budgen’s vouchers to
       families who have needed help this year.

       We are very happy to receive any of the following for the
       Christmas bags if you feel able:

                 Christmas puddings and cakes (shop-bought)
                   Alternative – microwaveable sponge puds
                                 Boxed mince pies
                 Variety boxes of biscuits (sweet and savoury)
                     Tins and cartons of chocolates/sweets
                         Bottles of sparkling fruit drinks
                                     UHT Juice
                           Chocolate treats for children

            Thankyou so much once more for your continuing support..

        CHURCH LUNCH - A welcome return
        A casualty of the Covid pandemic was our Sunday Church Lunches; so it is
        really great that there will be a Christmas Church Family lunch on Sunday
        18th December. The list will be displayed on the board in the hall. Sign up and
        note any dietary details.

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