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Café Praise
Our first series of informal evening meetings helped us discover
one another’s strengths and learn how to encourage one another.
We hope to recommence in February. If you’re interested in
discovering your unique strengths, ask Lex about the profiling tool
we use.
Bible Study
The Book of Acts is well exciting! Come and join us as Martyn
leads our study alongside a study guide by Tom Wright. Can’t
make Tuesday fortnightly? If you’d like to benefit from the Bible
Study but the meeting time doesn’t work for you, let Martyn know
and we’ll find a way to include you.
Date Stewards Vestry Welcome Communion Communion
Prayer Preacher Prep Servers
1st 10.30 am Joint Service with the Methodists and
Jan Gill & Mary Salvation Army Café Style Service led by Lex and WPG
8th Sue V &
Jan Ann G
15th Ruth & Ruth N/A Sue Nora & Sue
Jan Marion
22nd Ann Y & Ann Y & UNITED SERVICE
Jan Donalda Donalda
29th Ann & Jim N/A N/A N/A
Jan Jim