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Open the Book continued

       The three new members of our team saw the potential to tell Bible

       stories in a fun way but with a serious message. They are all keen
       to continue in the New Year and several others have also
       expressed interest, so we hope to offer assemblies twice a term to
       all the local schools. We are always eager to have more readers,
       pray-ers, scene shifters, besides actors. We will be rehearsing on
       Friday afternoons 2-3 pm in our hall during January. If you are
       interested do come and see what we do. It will make you laugh if
       nothing else.
                                                               Anne Squires

       And from Lex
                              Imagine a sea of faces watching the unfold-
                              ing of the story of the Storm on the Lake.
                              Becs opened the doors of St Mary’s Roman
                              Catholic School to the “Open the Book”
                              players as we relaunched this important
                              outreach.  I can honestly say I’ve never
                              before experienced such a well-behaved and
                              responsive group of students.

       Postage Stamps are changing

       You still have time to use up all your
       old stamps, as Royal Mail has
       confirmed they will still be valid for
       use until January 31, 2023.

       Royal Mail has also confirmed
       Special Stamps with pictures on and
       Christmas Stamps without a
       barcode will continue to be valid beyond the deadline.

       If by that time, you still have old stamps you haven’t been able to find a
       use for, you will be able to exchange them free of charge for new
       stamps using the ‘Swap Out’ scheme.

       If you’d like to exchange your stamps sooner, you can get a Swap Out
       form via the Post Office.

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