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Any Questions?
A forum where Christians and others can discuss topical issues of
importance and relevance to faith in an open and questioning
During the relaunch of this popular initiative we have addressed
the topics:
? Can a Christian Serve in the Military? And
? Ending Animal Experimentation
Continuing our exploration of difficult issues, we have a couple of
dates for your diary.
? Tuesday 7 February at Swanage Methodist Church,
Rev Canon Professor James Woodward. 6.30 for 7 pm.
Ageing: Blessing or Burden? – what has the church to
say about ‘Old Age’?
? Any Questions May - Rebecca Fell CEO of International
Care Network, 17 May (provisionally.) The network helps
to rebuild the lives of asylum seekers and vulnerable
If you’d like to know more, or if you have a topic you’d really like to
hear explored, feel free to contact Davina Freedman.
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is very much an initiative we’d love to continue providing for our
church, friends, and the community around us. Each event has
been a success. The ambition is to always have an event on the
Thursday mornings of each holiday so that it becomes a rhythm
that people expect and rely upon. We have an amazing amount of
talent in our church and via our connections, so if you’d like to
become a partner in this important outreach, please let
Lynn Neads know.