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Swanage Church Family Diary ~
January 2023
Sunday 1st 10.30 am Joint Service with Methodists and Salvation
Army. Café Style Worship led by Lex & WPG
Thursday 5th 7 pm Slimming World
Friday 6th 9.30 am Coffee@112
2 pm Open the Book
Saturday 9 am Ukulele Pratice
Sunday 8th 10.30 am Readings and Songs to Celebrate Epiphany
Led by Davina and Donalda
Tuesday 10th 2 pm Bible Study
Thursday 12th 7 pm Slimming World
Friday 13th 9.30 am Coffee@112
2 pm Open the Book
Saturday 14th 9 am Ukulele Pratice
Sunday 15th 10.30 am Morning Worship including Communion
l led by Reverend Martyn Neads
Prepared by Sue Wilson and served by Sue and Nora
Thursday 19th 7 pm Slimming World
Friday 20th 9.30 am Coffee@112
2 pm Open the Book
Saturday 21st 9 am Ukulele Practice
Sunday 22nd 10.30 am Churches Together United Service at URC
Speaker Rev Jonathan Triffitt,
Diocesan Director of Mission and Ministry
Tuesday 24th 2 pm Bible Study
Wed 25th 9.30 am Bible Society
Thursday 26th 7 pm Slimming World
Friday 27th 9.30 am Coffee@112
2 pm Open the Book
Saturday 28th 9 am Ukulele Practice
Sunday 29th 10.30 am Morning Worship, Reverend Martyn Neads