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Home Group
We’ve been having really uplifting times of fellowship at the Home
Group, and really would like more of the church family and friends
to benefit from these. There is some structured content, but the
main focus is on input from those you worship with on a regular
basis. It’s a warm-hearted way to get to know one another.
Themes, Topics, and Characters explored include:
· Fruitfulness on the Frontline
· Cultural background to the Prodigal Son
· Cultural background to the Good Samaritan
· Heroes of the faith: Esther
· Heroes of the faith: Mary Magdalene
If you’d like to catch up with any of the content you’ve
missed, have a chat with Martyn. Also have a word with
Martyn if you’d like to get in on the action (and cakes).
As a result of the Tuesday Breakfast Show and the work of Lex’s
colleague, Elaine, Purbeck Coast have tentatively suggested we
produce an inspirational programme for airing on Sundays
If this proceeds, we see it as a major step forward in bringing an
inspirational broadcast to the community on a regular basis.
We are very grateful for the opportunity.