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P. 19

Recently the re-formed Open the Book

                                  team gave their first assembly (or their
                                  premier as Becs Meteau called it) at
                                  St Mary's School. Thank you to everyone
                                  who prayed for us.

                                  We chose to retell the story of The Storm
                                  on the Lake, because we are aware of
       the various reasons the children have to be worried if they listen to
       the news - war in Ukraine, the climate emergency, the cost of food
       and the energy crisis, besides the normal things that children have
       always worried about.

       As part of the story Jesus sits by the lake and tells the crowd,  “God
       is your Father. He dresses the flowers in beautiful colours, He
       makes sure the birds have enough to eat. But you are his sons and
       his daughters. Don’t you think he can clothe and feed you too? So
       trust him and stop worrying your lives away.”

       Later the message is repeated after Jesus calms the storm when
       he turns to his disciples in the boat saying, “You didn’t need to be
       frightened. You didn’t have to worry. All you had to do was to trust
       me. See, everything is calm.”

       We were touched by the welcome we received from the school. All
       the teachers stayed to watch the presentation and the new
       headmaster was impressed with the clear message at a level the
       children could understand and was relevant to them. The children
       listened well, even the
       youngest ones, and the
       small group of older
       children who helped us,
       enthusiastically created
       waves or rowed the boat.

       We couldn't have done
       without them!

       Continued over . . .

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