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Our Vision
† To Worship God, Father Son and Holy Spirit
† To make God’s love known to all people
† To show God’s love by the way we lead our lives
Revd Martyn Neads Link / Outlook December 2022/January 2023
Tel. 01929 475694
Mobile 07384 560402 4. Pastoral Letter
7. Yes, And
Mission Enabler: 8. ‘Whose Kingdom Rules’
Lex McKee 9. The Yearly Cycle 10. Wareham Calendar, DEC
Swanage 11. Wareham Calendar JAN
Administrator: and Preachers’ Rota
Sue Wilson 12. Candlelit Church 13. Daily Readings + Anthology
01929 423772 14. Swanage Rotas
15. Swanage Diary December
Book-keeper 16. Food Bank & Church Lunch 17. Café Praise, Bible Study
Swanage Rotas January
Hall Lettings: Sue Wilson 18. Candlelit Church and
Stalls in the Hall
Wareham 19. Open the Book
Secretary 20. Postage Stamps
Janet Jennings 21. Soup and Cinema
01929 555108 22. Purbeck Village Quire
Hall Lettings: 23. Any Questions, Art@112
Felicity Roberts 01929 792678 24. Home Group &Purbeck
Access to the church: Coast Radio
Sheila Holmes 01929 552806 25. My Bible.
Editor Candles on the Beach
Jim Farrer - 07968 824129 26. Swanage Diary January 27. Wareham Rotas Dec/Jan
Photos: and The Father’s Love
Sourced from Freely Christian Clip Art 30. In Memoriam / Judith Nott
Canstock Clip Art Library or Church