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P. 7

Yes, And…

       One of the matters I love most
       about the Church, the Body of
       Christ, is its ‘SOP’.  I didn’t know
       what a ‘SOP’ was until last
       week.  It’s a ‘Standard Operating
       Procedure.’  If I were to ask you
       what the baseline ‘Standard
       Operating Procedure’ is for the Church, you’d most likely agree it is
       to, “love one another as Christ loves us.”  You may even be more
       specific and say, “to do unto  others as we would have them do
       unto us.”  Wouldn’t that be a wonderful world?

       ‘Love’ is a bit vague for me, although I understand how easy it is to
       grasp doing to one another what we’d like done for us.  If you’d like
       someone to send you a birthday card, make sure you ‘do’ that for
       others.  If you’d like someone to befriend you and give you a warm
       welcome, make sure you ‘do’ that ‘unto others’.  If you’d prefer
       people to be kind to you… well, you get the picture!

       I prefer another word: ‘encourage’.  This is because a verse
       became branded onto my heart like a divine tattoo when I read
       it.  It’s Hebrews 3:13, which says, “…encourage one another daily,
       as long as it called ‘Today’, so that none of you may be hardened
       by sin’s deceitfulness.”

       That’s so simple, isn’t it?  Is today, ‘Today’?  Yes!  What do we
       need as top of our ‘to-do’ list today?  “Encourage one another!”

       Oh, it gets better.  The word used in the Greek is the same word
       used of The Holy Spirit – the Comforter, the Encourager, the ‘One-
       called-alongside-to-help-us’.  Thus, our Daily Mission, our Standard
       Operating Procedure in the Body of Christ, is to Encourage One
       Another… which is the very same Daily Mission of The Holy Spirit!

       Combine this with Jesus declaration of why He came, and I think
       we know what we’ve got to do!  He said, “I have come that they
       might have LIFE and have it more ABUNDANTLY!”  I’m ‘shouting’
       there because it gets me SO excited.  He made it even clearer by

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