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spelling out the enemy’s mission: “The thief comes to steal, to kill,
and to destroy…”
There’s plenty of evidence that our members and friends are
having a tough time on a daily basis. They are having joy stolen
from them, enthusiasm killed, and initiative destroyed – because
that’s the way of the World. Our Mission is to relieve one another
of those burdens – and to do that by encouraging one another…
daily!!! As long as it’s called, “Today”!
The alternative is a bit grim. If we go around under a cloud of
discouragement, Hebrews 3:13 suggests we become easy
pickings for the enemy. We are in danger of having our hearts
hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Encouraging one another is
a defence.
One of the easiest ways to encourage one another is to say a loud
and genuine, “Yes!” to one another’s ideas. Then we build that
encouragement by exploring and heightening the idea. There are
so many ideas coming from our members that I’ve heard over the
months I’ve been with you. My job is to enable as many of those
ideas a possible, and it’s your job too! Let me assure you, it’s a
lovely job! See how many of other people’s ideas you can help
them make happen over the Christmas and New Year Season –
after all, it’s the season of giving and goodwill.
Lex McKee
David Nunn’s new play for Christmas
‘Whose Kingdom Rules’
will be performed at the following venues
Saturday 17th December 7 pm at All Saints Church
Sunday 18th December 7 pm at Harmans Cross Village Hall
Tuesday 20th December 7 pm at St George's Church, Langton