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The Yearly Cycle
Dear Friends,
It's that time of year again when we are counting down to
Christmas. For many people, Christmas is a joyful time of year;
for other people, it is a lonely and difficult time. Perhaps someone
close died at Christmas, as my own father did. Christmas can
remind us of happy gatherings which can never come again but
can be a source of joy when we celebrate with new friends and
The media promote Christmas as an end in itself, with so much
emphasis on the day. To Christians, Christmas is part of the year
round cycle, the wonderful story of the highs and lows of Jesus'
life. In fact some gospels do not mention the circumstances of
Jesus' birth at all. John's gospel is keen to tell us who Jesus is
(John 1:1-18). He looks back to the Old Testament and the need
for a saviour and forward to the life, death and resurrection of
Jesus. Without God's promise, the nativity is just a pretty story but
with the cycle of Jesus' life, the nativity slots into its place.
Emmanuel, God with us, takes on human form as a baby to face
the challenge of his mission, which will make God's children of all
who receive Jesus into their hearts.
I wish you all a joyful and blessed Christmas and a happy New
Love Janet