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Jambalaya ~ Martin Barnett

        à     heat the chorizo in a large pan over a high heat for 3 mins
        à     remove to a plate and set aside
        à     add a tablespoon of the oil and fry the onions for 3 mins
        à     return the chorizo to the pan and add the garlic celery, chilli
              flakes, and sliced pepper, and fry for 4 - 5 mins adding a little
              more oil if required
        à     stir in the rice to get a good coating of oil
        à     add the tabasco to the stock
        à     add the tomatoes, bay leaf and stock to the pan and bring to
              the boil
        à     turn the heat down to barely a simmer
        à     season with salt and pepper as required
        à     stir ensuring the rice is down in the liquid then cover for 20
        à     add the pre-cooked or raw prawns to the pan, adding more       Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes |Biscuits, etc
              stock if necessary, and simmer for a further 5 minutes
        à     serve with the garnish and accompaniment

                     The only reason I have a kitchen is
                       because it came with the house.


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