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Savoury Bread and Butter Pudding ~ Ann Gould
        Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes |Biscuits, etc

           4 slices of bread and butter
           6 oz grated cheese
           2 eggs
           ½ pint of milk
           mustard as required
           seasoning as required

           à     spread desired amount of mustard on bread and butter
           à     arrange in layers in a greased dish
           à     cover with grated cheese
           à     beat the eggs and the seasoning
           à     add the milk and pour over the contents of the greased
           à     leave to stand for thirty minutes
           à     bake in the middle of the oven at Gas mark 5 for
                 approximately one hour or until golden brown

                         A recipe has no soul; you as the cook
                             must bring soul to the recipe.

                                     Thomas Keller

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