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P. 21

Bread and Butter Pudding ~ Shirley Beebee

        (As served at Church Sunday Lunches)

        serves up to 8 people

        1 shallow baking dish (approx. 6 x 12 inches)
        1 white sliced loaf
        1 jar of thick cut marmalade with ginger if preferred
        4 eggs
        demerara sugar, sultanas
        candied peel, milk, double cream

        à     cut all crusts off the bread (optional)
        à     butter one side of the bread                                   Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes |Biscuits, etc
        à     spread marmalade on each slice
        à     cut each slice into 4 triangles
        à     place each triangle into the dish in rows with the point of the
              triangle pointing upwards until the dish is full
        à     sprinkle sultanas, candied peel and demerara sugar over the
              bread. (as little or as much as you wish)
        à     beat the 4 eggs together add to warm milk
        à     pour the liquid over the bread in the dish making sure that all
              the bread is well soaked
        à     put the pudding in a preheated oven, not too hot, for
              approximately ¾ of an hour
        à     keep checking and serve while still hot

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