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Simple Cheesy Souffle ~ Julia Gadenne

        Babs Barton's Recipe

        5 oz  fresh white breadcrumbs

        8 oz tasty cheddar (can substitute some with Parmesan)

        1½ oz of butter

        1½ pints milk

        4 eggs (separated)

        one medium grated onion (red is best)

        salt and pepper

        à     boil milk
        à     pour over breadcrumbs, butter and seasoning

        à     add cheese                                                     Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes |Biscuits, etc
        à     add egg yolks to cooled mixture
        à     whip and fold in egg whites
        à     transfer to creased oven proof dish
        à     bake gas mark 4 for about 35 minutes

        This makes a family size portion ... so you could halve the
        recipe; it’s also nice cold or just slightly warmed if you get left

                      Hors d’oeuvres have always had a
                    pathetic interest for me; they remind
                      of one’s childhood, that one goes
                      through wondering what the next
                   course is going to be like – and during
                    the rest of the menu one wishes one
                   had eaten more of the hors d’oeuvres.

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