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Sweet Mincemeat Pie ~ Rosemary Cave
        Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes |Biscuits, etc

           For the Pastry
           3 oz butter / margarine
           4 oz flour
           2 oz oats

           à     roll out into a rectangle and cover half with sweet mince
           à     add a few chopped dates if liked
           à     fold in half, seal, and slash top
           à     cook in pre-heated oven at 180⁰ c for approximately 25 mins
           à     drizzle with icing when cooked

           This was a family favourite when we were growing up.
                                 ENJOY ~ DELICIOUS

           Mum also used to make a SAVOURY PIE

           8 oz short crust pastry
           1 lb sausage meat,
           6 rashers streaky bacon chopped
            ½ chopped onion.

           à     mix together and roll out pastry
           à     cover half with mix, fold and seal
           à     cook for approximately 35 mins at 180⁰ c

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