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Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes |Biscuits, etc
                    Chocolate Chip Cookie Log ~ Jim Farrer

           1 pack Maryland Chocolate Chip Cookies
           10 oz double cream
           orange juice
           1 Cadbury’s Flake
           1 block Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Chocolate

           Quality Control:
           Try one chocolate chip cookie; if ok proceed

           à     eat a few squares of dairy milk, save the rest for later
           à     whip the double cream until it is smooth but not too stiff
           à     dip each biscuit into the juice; there is now time to eat a bit
                 more Dairy Milk
           à     ‘butter’ the cream on to each biscuit and place in
                 position like a log
           à     spread the remaining cream over the log and then
                 sprinkle the chocolate flake, or other decoration, over the
           à     all done. Finish the Dairy Milk and put the log into the

           Ann has a similar recipe for this log
           which leaves out the Dairy Milk –
           I know which one I prefer!

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