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Orange Marmalade Cake ~ Gill Norman


        12 oz self-raising flour
        6 oz butter or margarine
        8 oz caster sugar
        grated rind of 2 oranges
        2 tablespoons marmalade
        2 eggs
        approximately ¼ pint of orange juice

        For the Filling – ¼ pint of thick cream and 3 tablespoons

        à     sieve the flour into a mixing bowl and rub in the butter/
              margarine                                                      Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes | Biscuits, etc

        à     add the sugar, marmalade, beaten eggs, orange rind and
        à     grease and flour, or line, two 8 inch sandwich tins and bake
              for approximately 20 - 25 minutes until firm
        à     oven temperature:  375 - 400 f   Gas Mark 5 - 6
        à     when cool, sandwich together with whipped cream and
              marmalade.   Eat when fresh

                          Paddington likes potatoes
                     as well as marmalade. We are
                   certain he would enjoy this cake!

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