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Bible Cake ~ Lyn  Barnett

        This is my Auntie Nan’s recipe which was a typed insert in my
        mother’s recipe book.  I know it came from Auntie Nan (probably in
        the 1950s) because she had very poor eyesight and was the only
        person I knew with a portable typewriter.  My mother met Auntie
        Nan at the sewing bee during the war and our families became
        close friends thereafter.

        Bible references are from the Authorised Version.

        1.    6 oz  Judges           Ch. 5 v 25 (last part)
        2.    6 oz  Jeremiah         Ch. 6 v 20
        3.    1 dessertspoon         I Samuel Ch. 14 v 25
        4.    3 Jeremiah             Ch. 17 v 11
        5.    6 oz  I Samuel         Ch. 30 v 12 (second part)
        6.    2 oz  Nahum            Ch. 3 v 12 (chopped)
        7.    2 oz  Numbers          Ch. 17 v 8 (chopped)
        8.    8 oz  I Kings          Ch. 4 v 22                              Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes | Biscuits, etc
        9.    ½ teaspoon             II Chronicles Ch. 9 v 9
        10.  pinch  Leviticus        Ch. 2 v 13
        11.  1 teaspoon Amos         Ch. 4 v 5
        12.  1 tablespoon            Judges Ch. 4 v 19 (last part)

        à     mix all ingredients together, beat well, and put in an 8 inch
              cake tin

        à     bake in a fairly slow oven (gas 4) for approximately 1 hour
              on the middle shelf

                 For answers to the ingredients list see page 46

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