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        We trust that you have enjoyed at least some of the
        recipes in this little book.

        Thank you for supporting this venture.
        Purbeck Besom provide a valuable service
        to those people who are finding things
        difficult. The Covid-19 virus has made
        things even worse for many. We are
        delighted to be able to help them.

        Although our church building has been closed the work
        we do has carried on. We are looking forward to a return
        to normal; or a new normal, whatever that may be.

        On page 25 Lyn provides a recipe of ingredients from
        the Bible. The answers are shown below.

         1.    Butter
         2.    Sweet cane (sugar)

         3.    Honey
         4.    Eggs

         5.    Raisins
         6.    Figs (or dates)
         7.    Almonds
         8.    Flour (Plain)

         9.    Mixed spice
         10.   Salt
         11.   Leaven (baking powder)

         12.   Milk
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