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Cat’s Whisker Squares ~ Ann Yeates

        Many moons ago my mother took me to a cafe in Portishead called
        The Cat's Whiskers, presumably because it was the best ! Anyway,
        they sold these wickedly rich chocolate squares known as Cat’s
        Whiskers Squares. The name has nothing to do with the
        ingredients. Fortunately they also sold the recipe which, even
        more fortunately, involved hardly any cooking. They were always
        very popular at birthday parties

        Off we go:-
        Ingredients and Method:
        à     crush 1 lb of digestive biscuits. (I put the biscuits in a food
              bag or similar and crush with a rolling pin until the crumbs
              are fine)
        à     place crumbs in a mixing bowl and stir in 3 tablespoons of
              cocoa powder. Then stir in 4 tablespoons of Golden Syrup ,
              mix well
        (Here comes the cooking)                                             Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes | Biscuits, etc
        à     melt ½ lb of margarine (you could use butter but keep the
              cholesterol levels in mind) stir the melted margarine into the
        à     press the mixture down into a 12” x 8” Swiss Roll tin and
              allow  to set

        (Oh dear more cooking)
        à     melt ½ lb of Kake Brand (or similar) cooking chocolate and
              spread evenly all over the base
        à     allow to set, measure and cut into squares

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