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Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes | Biscuits, etc
                   Easy Shortbread Bites ~ Donald Plowman

           6 oz self-raising flour
           4 oz margarine or butter
           2 oz sugar – I use Co-op Fairtrade golden granulated sugar

           à     knead all ingredients together till you have a soft
           à     roll out mixture, (thickness depends on how chunky you like
                 your shortbread), cut into rounds, place on baking sheets
                 and leave overnight lightly covered with greaseproof paper
           à     bake in hot oven for 10-12 minutes until golden brown
                 oven: 200 C/ 400 F Gas 6
           à     leave on tray for a few minutes before removing to wire tray
                 to cool
           à     cut rounds in half if you`re trying to eat less!

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