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Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes | Biscuits, etc
                           Nutflips ~ Davina Freedman

           Our Mum (Ena Jones) used to make these when we were children
           and we would take them to school in brown paper bags and eat
           them for our mid-morning break. Mum called them our ‘piece’. We
           remember that we were the envy of our classmates! At a school
           reunion a few years ago, Donalda’s school chums talked about our
           Mum’s Nutflips, having remembered them!


           Cupful each of
           porridge oats        1 tablespoon golden syrup
           coconut              4 oz butter/margarine
           self-raising flour   2 teaspoons hot water
           sugar                1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

           à     melt margarine/butter and syrup together, add oats, coconut,
                 flour and sugar - stir well
           à     mix water and bicarb together and add to the mixture, stir
           à     take small handfuls of the mixture and gently roll them into
                 rounds (14 approx)
           à     set on greased baking tray – not too close as they will
           à     bake at reg 4 or 180 c for 15 mins
                 until golden brown
           à     half way through cooking time take
                 the tray from the oven  and flatten
                 the biscuits gently with the back of
                 a wooden spoon
           à     cool on wire rack

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