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Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes | Biscuits, etc
                           Almond Fingers ~ Ann Gould

           4 oz semolina
           4 oz self raising flour
           1 small egg
           4 oz butter
           4 oz sugar
           1 oz blanched split almonds
           ½ teaspoon almond essence
           apricot jam

           à     sift semolina, flour and sugar into a basin
           à     rub in butter, add beaten egg and essence mix into a
                 stiff paste
           à     divide mixture into two
           à     press half into a greased Swiss Roll tin and spread with
           à     spread the remaining paste evenly on top of jam
           à     decorate with the almonds, bake for twenty minutes or
                 until golden brown on gas mark 4
           à     allow to cool and cut into fingers

                         These almond slices were a signature
                        dish of Ann's Mother. They were a huge
                       favourite on fund raising cake stalls and
                          helped considerably in the raising of
                             funds for Poole Body Scanner.

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