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Six Minute Banana Bread ~ Linda Peterson

        2 - 3 over ripe bananas
        175 g oat flour (oats ground into flour in processor)
        2 eggs
        3 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup

        à     mash bananas, beat in eggs and honey
        à     mix in flour. Put in a microwave dish for approximately
              6 minutes
        à     cool, slice and serve buttered
        à     delicious, simple and quick. Great for using up the black
              skinned bananas!

                                                                             Starters | Soups | Main Meals | Desserts | Cakes | Biscuits, etc

                       The most remarkable thing about
                         my mother is that for 30 years
                              she served leftovers.
                              The original meal has
                                never been found.

                                  Calvin Trillin

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