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V       U


       There has now been an initial meeting with
       Rev Tim Meachin, (recently appointed Interim
       Moderator), who is to oversee the whole
       vacancy process, and an Elder from each of
       the three churches. This was held at Wareham
       on 13  February.

       The next stage is for each church representatives on the Vacancy
       Group to prepare their church profile document ready for the final
       profile. This will eventually be signed off by Synod before
       advertising the post can take place. This has to be completed by
       28  March if possible, and then the Vacancy Group will meet again
       to complete the Profile.

       The Vacancy Group is to consist of six people, two from each
       church. The members agreed that Emily Gadd and Davina
       Freedman represent Swanage. Jim has been asked to be part of
       this procedure as he has many vital skills and has been involved in
       previous recruitment processes in the past. Jim has agreed, as
       have the members.

       There is a strong need for confidentiality so the vacancy group
       members will only share what they can.

       Davina (on behalf of the Elders)

       Church Premises
       Please ensure that you check with Elizabeth before
       arranging a meeting on Church Premises. This
       should ensure that we don’t double book.

       Thank you

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