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       Dear Friends,

       I have been thinking about our role in Nature and how we are all
       connected in God's World. This prompted me to write a prayer,
       which maybe you would like to include in your prayers.

       Wishing you every blessing from Janet.

                                 Prayer for Nature

                             Dear Mother, Father God,
       You created us as part of Nature and to be stewards of your World.

                The Holy Spirit is forever moving through the earth:
                              In the petals of a flower,
                           In the steady growth of a tree,
                         In the feathers and flight of birds,
                              In the miracle of new life,
                            Of animals and humankind,
                                  And in all beings.

                 We thank you, Lord, for the beauty of your World.
                     For rivers and seas where creatures live
                      For sun and rain which grow our crops,
                              And everything in Nature
                        which feeds us and gives us delight.

       Help us to remember that we are connected to the whole of Nature
                           That we are part of the whole,
                     That we rely on Nature for our existence
             So that we care for the Earth and respect all living things
                                  As You intended.

                           Through Jesus Christ our Lord

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