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A Season of Hope

       Dear Friends,

                          What hope can we have in a world like the one
                          we have today? Countless people are dying
                          because of wars that we humans have started.
                          There is poverty, illness and famine. plus
                          extreme weather caused by climate change.
                          Most scientists accept that climate change is due
                          to our bad stewardship of the earth. Things are
                          changing a bit, as we become more aware, but
       we do not know what legacy we are leaving our children and
       grandchildren. It's a bleak outlook.

       Are we doing as much as we can to alleviate the suffering of those
       in our own country and around the world? I for one often feel quite
       depressed about the situation and powerless to do much about it.
       Received wisdom is that we concentrate on the smaller things
       which we enjoy: spending quality time with family and friends, the
       beauty of nature, a pastime or hobby. There are positive things
       happening in the world too, if we look for them, including the
       kindness and support of others.

       Christian have a special hope at this time of year when Advent
       brings good news of the birth of Jesus. He was an obscure
       carpenter from a backwater called Nazareth, with a short ministry of
       three years and a small group of followers. But His mission grew
       from small beginnings to become a world wide movement. That
       was a miracle because God was behind it. Can God help us to
       produce another miracle and save our fragile world from war,
       suffering and climate change?

       This is the season of hope, as we look forward again to the coming
       of Christ with His message of love, forgiveness and salvation. We
       may do what we can to aid the world in these dark times, but never
       forgetting that God is with us. Jesus said, 'with God all things are
       possible', so let's pray for our world to the God of hope.
       Every blessing                                                      Janet

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