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Swanage United Reformed Church
Away Day ~ Saturday 5 October
Over 20 of us met with Rev Mary Thomas (Development and
Support Officer, Wessex Synod, on a beautiful day in October at
Worth Matravers Village Hall. A good spacious venue for our
purpose, with two rooms and a well-maintained kitchen - but of
course a walk to the carpark. The purpose of the day was to spend
some time in fellowship together and to consider how as a church
family we can move forward.
We began the day with coffee followed by a period of Worship and
we then focused on our individual spiritual walk with God and then
collectively as a church family. We reflected on what we considered
were our church values and how we could develop and enhance
these and what we could differently.
After a nourishing lunch and lots of cake, (including a birthday cake
to celebrate Mary Thomas’s birthday), we had a session where we
brought the threads of the morning’s discussions together. A time
scale was planned for each action with the priorities being:
¨ developing our relationship with God
¨ bringing others to God by developing our connections with the
community - using networking opportunities
¨ growing our church family.
Jesus set us an important task – he said ‘Go into all the world
and proclaim the good news to the whole of creation’ and we
can do that by using whatever skills he has given us to further
the Kingdom. We can each do what ever we are able to – small
or large – each is a valued contribution!
We were each given a prayer (see page 24) by Mary about growth,
both in spiritual commitment to God and for growth in numbers for
our church. It was decided that we would use (as other churches
are doing) this prayer at the beginning of our service each week.
After a short time of business at our November church meeting, we
hope to spend some time looking together at these tasks we have
committed to.
Thank you to all who came ~ The Elders