Page 18 - BiTS_08_AUGUST_2022
P. 18

are very messy in Europe, like Copenhagen, Stockholm, so I need to figure out the plan, how to
    travel. I will travel with only hand luggage, which is a big sacrifice for me. I have a lot of
    instruments —and dresses.

    BiTS:. Tell me something about your trombone playing. Who do you admire as a trombone

    GH: I like the old, the traditional. I like Kid Ory, I like Jack Teagarden, J C Higginbottom, Claude
    Jones, so many.

    BiTS:  Oh yes. You’re naming some of
    my favourites.

    GH: Urbie Green, of course. You know I
    like them all. Tommy Dorsey. Chris
    Barber was a big influence.

    BiTS:  Ah yes. Also one of my
    favourites. I was proud to say that I
    managed to get a British Blues Award
    given to Chris Barber as a blues giant
    of the UK, which he certainly was.

    GH: Yes, he really  pushed jazz
    forward – good recordings, fantastic
    playing, good, inventive musician. I
    love his recordings a lot. Fantastic

    BiTS:  Gunhild, I don’t know whether you know it but there is a website which is called which is entitled “15 famous trombone players”. Are you aware of
    this website?

    GH: Am I on this website?

    BiTS:  And on the website, the top three listed musicians are Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey and
    then you. How do you feel about that?

    GH: What!

    BiTS:  Yes, it’s true. Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, and then you. How do you feel about that?

    GH: Well, I’m super honoured and super fantastic, I think it’s super fantastic. I don’t know
    what criteria they used,  but I’m very honoured. It sounds fantastic. I have to check it out. Hello
    Music Theory. I will check it out [laughs].

    BiTS:  [Laughing] Yes, you will indeed.

    GH: [Laughing] You made my day right now.

    BiTS:  [Laughing] I’m glad about that. Tell me something about the recording. Are you going
    into the studio shortly? Are you making a record at the moment? What’s going on as far as

    making albums is concerned?
    GH: I was in New York and recorded together with Daniel Glass and Billy Stritch. They are the
    house band of the Birdland Jazz Club and I know them very well. We are like a family, so we
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